The Most Hydrating Drink In The World




The most important drink of the day should be WATER.

Did you know that your body is made up of 60% water? (however, everyone is little bit different depending on gender, height, and weight)

I knew that you should drink water every day. But I never really paid attention to how much water I was drinking until I started to do Beachbody's 21 Day Fix program. 

So how much is enough? Here is how you calculate how much water to drink a day. 
Divide your weight in (lbs) by 2 = oz. you should drink

So, for example, I weigh is 120lbs. Divide that by 2, and I am supposed to drink 60oz! It seems like a lot, so every day I use a protein shake container (but any reusable water bottle or travel cup would work) to measure out and make sure that I get at least 60 oz of water in my system. Then I use the 21 Day Fix app to record how much I actually drink each day.

Some signs that your body is craving water are hunger, dry skin, mood swings and joint aches.  

You will know you are drinking enough water when you constantly have to find the bathroom everywhere you go! Not kidding! Yes, it will be a bit annoying, but you will know your body is the healthiest it can be. Another way to know you are properly hydrated is when your urine is clear
 (my doctor told me this one, hehe.)

Since I started to consistently drink water, I have seen so many amazing benefits that I don't know why I didn't start it sooner. One of the biggest and most noticeable was my acne began to clear! Your skin is not only your body's largest organ but also your biggest detoxification organ. A lot of times, acne appears because your body cannot detoxify efficiently, and plenty of water is what is missing! I am sure that my acne cream was also a factor, but I am 100% positive that water made all the difference in the world.

I think we take water for granted. Many people in the world don't have access to have clean water, while we are complaining about how tasteless and boring it is. While it is important to be grateful that we have a clean and healthy water source, there are a few ways to dress up your H2O if you are looking for more motivation to drink up. If you are someone who is not a fan of water, try to have fun with it and find your own variation that will help make water your main drink.

Here is my favorite!



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